I have designed a code to get the contact note date once it is filled by the user or admin.However it doesn’t trigger and i am not getting any response from the server once i fill in a contact note.i am using actiong = ‘subscriber_note’ . Similary Campaign Email open/Link triggers are not working .
Hi @automateio326,
I apologize, I am not sure I understand. Do you mind providing a bit more detail?
Are you talking about triggering webhooks when a contact note is added and when a campaign is opened or a link is clicked? Or would you like to append a note to the contact record using the API?
Thanks in advance!
Yes you are correct.Its about triggering webhooks when a contact note is added or a campaign is opened or a link is clicked as you mentioned.The triggering webhooks is working for other webhooks like when a deal is created or deal note is added.But it is not working for the above three only.the actions used are ‘subscriber_note’ for contact note , action[] = ‘open’ for campaign open and action[] = ‘click’ for link clicked.
@automateio326 thanks for the clarification.
I was able to trigger a webhook for the events, so I would suggest contacting support to help you diagnose.
When testing webhooks, I always recommend working with a product like requestb.in or ngrok to inspect the requests first, before trying to work with the results directly. I also suggest building and testing the webhooks from the UI first, before creating webhooks programatically via API call. You can access this from settings --> developer --> manage webhooks
If you do create them via the API, then you can inspect that they are registered by logging into your account and checking them in the UI.
You also want to make sure that you are triggering the webhook by a contact, by an admin user, by the api, and by system processes.
Email open can be a tricky one, it is not 100% reliable, since it depends on individual email clients and user behavior.
Hope that helps!
what action[] did u use to trigger the contact note / email open and link click.And u said ‘you were able to trigger a webhook’. We have been able to trigger all other webhooks except the above mentioned three.can u test and let me know? also i do use requestbin but there it shows actions[] : as contact_note which doesnt work if used via API javascript call.
Hey @automateio326, your best bet is to open a support ticket so that they are able to work on your specific use case. Here are the answers to your questions.
what action did u use to trigger the contact note / email open and link click.
I created the webhook manually from the UI for the three events you mentioned (Contact note added, Email Opened, Link Clicked). I manually triggered the webhook by performing the actions (added a note to a contact, sent a campaign to myself and clicked on the link, opened the email). I did it this way to test that the webhooks are firing, and not that I am unable to create the webhook via api.
And u said ‘you were able to trigger a webhook’. We have been able to trigger all other webhooks except the above mentioned three.can u test and let me know?
I only tested the three you mentioned (contact note added, email opened, link clicked), but was able to get them to work.
Also i do use requestbin but there it shows actions : as contact_note which doesnt work if used via API javascript call.
You should check the UI to see if the webhook is turned on, and that the webhook is being initialized by the API.