Need Clarification: Contact vs Subscriber

i would like to know if they way ActiveCampaign count Contact and Subscriber is different…

A single contact can subscribe N list… will it be counted as N subscriber ? or 1 Subscriber ?
A single contact that not subscribe to any list… will it be counted as 1 subscriber ?

Here’s my current stats right now
1191 contact (based on Platform Dashboard)
869 active contact
318 unconfirmed contact
1 Unsubscribe contact
0 Bounce contact

Those unconfirmed and unsubscribe will not be counted for billing, right ?

Good questions.

A contact is defined as a unique email address. It doesn’t matter how many lists your contact is subscribed to, they’ll only count as one contact.

Also, if you have uncomfirmed, unsubscribed, or bounced contacts, they will not count toward your contact total that is used for billing. If they are subscribed to a list and they’re an active contact (not bounced or unconfirmed), they’ll count.

Based on your stats… you’ll only be billed for 869 contacts.

It’s a very fair, very customer-centric billing policy.


this is why i love the policy !

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Hey Viktor_Iwan,

Biannca here from our CX team :wave:

I wanted add on top of what Brian said and to update this post for anyone that comes across this - we have a guide that provides a detailed explanation on the different contact statuses.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.