Need an AC Consultant

Does anyone have a 3rd party AC Consultant they recommend? We need help with automations, setting up email campaigns, managing pipelines and tagging, and uploading lists.

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Hi - it sounds like you have a new account, or just recently moved to AC?

I’m an ActiveCampaign consultant. Sounds like you have a good idea of what you need already. Happy to meet with you for 30 minutes.

In general seeing your post is a good reminder to share with anyone reading this that there is a full directory of vetted Activecampaign consultants
(I’m on there as LeadFlow in Atlanta, GA).

Hey! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

We do have a certified consultant directory, where you can hire the perfect expert for any tech related concerns, consultation or even help you built automations, deals and many other great options. Certified Consultants are adept ActiveCampaign platform users who exemplify their expertise through a rigorous platform proficiency exam and ongoing training. I will attach our consultant’s Page for you to take a look. To check it out, please click HERE.

Keep us posted with any updates!