Here is the short question…
How do I trigger automation ONLY when 2 specific custom fields are updated/changed… vs just 1. In other words, BOTH fields must change for the automation to run.
The long question is…
I am running Postmark automation for transactional communications.
I have contacts who receive an email for outstanding balances once a month. But, when this automation runs each month, some are part of multiple data batches. So the entire contact record does not change, except for these 2 specific fields, when this data batch is being imported.
Or, if possible, can I set trigger to start using a tag… then, the next step be a condition where it looks at field 1 for an update then checks field 2 field for a change, and if both filed changes are true, it can continue to run the Postmark automation.
Hopefully this makes sense… looking for a quick and easy solution.