Multiple field change trigger

Here is the short question…

How do I trigger automation ONLY when 2 specific custom fields are updated/changed… vs just 1. In other words, BOTH fields must change for the automation to run.

The long question is…

I am running Postmark automation for transactional communications.

I have contacts who receive an email for outstanding balances once a month. But, when this automation runs each month, some are part of multiple data batches. So the entire contact record does not change, except for these 2 specific fields, when this data batch is being imported.

Or, if possible, can I set trigger to start using a tag… then, the next step be a condition where it looks at field 1 for an update then checks field 2 field for a change, and if both filed changes are true, it can continue to run the Postmark automation.

Hopefully this makes sense… looking for a quick and easy solution.

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Yes, I would use tags.
Whenever either field changes:

  1. set a tag to say that it has changed
  2. check if there is a tag to say the other field has changed, and if it has then do the action and clear both the tags.

Hey Eric! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

I agree with the tagging idea. I believe that could be a great idea to identify both, you van set either as the trigger (“tag is added” or “field updated”) and then look for the tag. It is always recommended to keep the trigger as simple as possible, and then you can do filter your contacts using conditions. There, is when you can add those tags! Feel free to contact us so we can review it together!