Multiple Email Addresses for contact/deal records

Is there a way to capture multiple email addresses for deal records. On many of my larger “deals” I have multiple contacts that I work with. With the current setup it becomes very cloudy and ineffective to manage my large transactions through AC. Any plans to implement a manner of managing large clients and transactions with multiple contacts and email addresses?


I would love this option also… and look forward to the update. :slight_smile:

Hi @noelevents & @cnbsafe!

This will be part of the update coming to Deals soon:)

You’ll be able to see a high-level view of all the different organizations that you have in your pipelines. Then, when you click on Contacts or Deals respectively, you’ll be taken to the bottom two screenshots.

Check out these screenshots from the upcoming “Organization” view:

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@ted, this is awesome! Would it work similarly for B2C?

Hey @mham!

Would you mind giving a little bit more context?

Sorry @Ted. What I mean by B2C is, you outlined the “Organizations” and mentioned “all the different organizations” so I got the impression that it’s very B2B in nature.

What if it’s a dentist, plumber, mortgage agent who deals with individuals rather than organizations? :slight_smile: