Moving many contacts to bounced status

Is there a way to change a list of contacts and move their Master list status to “Bounced”?

I see that I can use bulk edit or automations to move contacts to “Unsubscribed” status, but I do not see any way of moving them to Bounced status.

Any help appreciated! Thanks!

Why would you want to? Bounces are a thing that happen, not a status you assign.

Thanks for your reply! We have received bouncebacks from emails sent from outside of ActiveCampaign. And now I would like to update the system.

what’s the intent after that?

Permanent suppression? Add a tag that fires an automation to unsub.

Temp suppression? Add a tag that comes off in ten days and exclude that tag from your send segment.

I was hoping to move them to bounced status so they would be excluded from any outgoing emails. I would prefer not to unsubscribe them because that puts certain restrictions on the contact moving forward - even if you find the email was a good one.

Just add a tag of “bounce” that you suppress in all your segments and you get the same outcome.

Thanks again for your input. Much appreciated!
I was hoping for a solution that would move the contacts to bounced status, but it seems it is not one of the features that ActiveCampaign offers.