Message Variables in form redirect URL


It would be really convenient if Message Variables would work in the redirect URL field in forms. I’d use it to create dynamic thank you URLs. I know I could use drop down custom fields and add the personalization tag to the URL but that doesn’t work well when the value of the custom field is a sentence.

Does anyone know a quick fix for this? Basically I want to send people to different thank you URLs based on the answer they give in the form that triggers that thank you URL upon submission.


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Hi @mantelaar,

The only thing I can think of that might be a solution would be creating a form with different fields and based on which field the user selects you can apply interest tags via automations and send them specific to that specific page. Something similar to:

But, for the URL to be variable it has to be in a custom field and message variables only work in the campaign.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any additional questions!


Do automations work that fast? So that if someone submits a form, the automation immediately fills out a custom field and the custom field tag (%book_type% in your example) in the On Submit URL is filled with that value? Seems like this would be prone to errors if the automation is not triggered fast enough.

Or are there rules in place to evaluate automations based on form fill outs first before redirecting? It actually seems to work fine but I need to know for sure if this will work everytime. Can you confirm this?

Hi @mantelaar,

The automation with a tag and the URL redirect upon form submission are effectively two different actions. After talking to a colleague you don’t need the automation portion at all. That was my bad and just added confusion.

However, the redirect URL will happen automatically upon a contact submitting the form and a custom field (Ex. %book_type%) would be added to their contact record.

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions and again sorry for the confusion.


I’ve had to do this outside of AC where the “on submit” URL points to a custom script (thanks.php) and redirects based on custom field value URL parameter. E.g., sends to, etc.

I solved it by using Google Tag Manager and some custom Javascript. Not the most robust but it works fine for this use case.