Merge, Lose Emails. Contacts with Multiple Email Addresses

We have various duplicate contacts in our account. We would prefer NOT to merge them, as we will lose all the historical email data from the one being merged.

An example of this would be Phil at Company A then moved to Company B and he’s in the system twice, once with the Company A email and the other with the Company B email (or personal email).

We can’t use an email placeholder for the “duplicate” or “old” version of their contact, as every one must have a unique email. We could tag these or separate them in a list, but this is a very cumbersome solution for the sales team with limited experience with those functions.

Has anyone else come up with a better solution to this problem? I see it was brought up in 4 years ago but no other discussion since then.

Any help is appreciated!!!.

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Hello there! Currently, while merging contacts the tags, campaign and automation activity from the original contact is carried over to the destination contact. Please view more here

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Team.