Marketplace prototype


I need to build kind of a marketplace prototype using Active Campaign. What exactly does it mean?

  1. I have a List with people that can provide some services.
  2. I will have a Form, where people will can request specific types of services with different criteria.
  3. When someone completes this form, I want to make an automation that takes the services and criteria he has selected, finds all people matching them from the List and writes an email to these people to confirm their interest (Yes/No button).
  4. Then, I email the requester the contacts of those who answered Yes.

Is it possible to do this with ActiveCampaign? If yes, then how?

Hey kureki,

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, it can be definitely achieved but you need to setup some things first.

In your form where users can “request specific types” you might want to setup your field options in advanced so people can select from dropdown. To have people confirm their interest with a Yes/No button this will require another setup because we don’t currently have a field to store their Yes/ No option.

  • For this, I’m thinking you can use link actions (tagging option) / create a custom field to store the confirmation and you can use automations to update the field.

Under the Yes/No button, you can utilize link actions to tag contacts after they clicked on the Yes/No button (you just need to make sure the Yes/No button has a link for it to work).

Once, you’ve determined who has clicked Yes, you can utilize segmentation conditions to email to those who clicked “Yes”.

For example: Contact has tag “Yes” or X field is Yes > include into segment and send email.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.