Managing fields in already exist contacts

Hi everyone,

is there a way to manage the contact fields that are updated when a prospect fill in different forms?
Ex: I have a channel field that register the first touch point channel and I want it won’t change during the customer journey. How can I freeze it and avoid from being overwritten?

Thank you!

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Hi @thron, :wave:
As far as I know, there isn’t a way to lock fields, so that they cannot be overwritten.
That being said, you could get around this by using tags of a second custom field.
For example, you could either create a Tag that is added to the contact with the relevant touchpoint, or you create another touchpoint custom field which you never add to a form, which will therefore never be overwritten.
You could then create an automation that triggers the first time your “Touchpoint” field changes which then either adds the relevant tag or updates the permanent touchpoint field.
That way, you would be able to keep their original choice.

I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know and I will try and send you some screenshots of what I mean. Others might have alternative ideas as well. :joy:

Hi @GilesMagee,
thank you for your help!

I’m just trying this way and I would keep it as simple as possible.

I have two fields: “channel” (my first touch point), and “last submission point”.
I created an automation with form submission as trigger, and then an IF step:
if channel field is empty, then update it with the value of “las submission point” - here I find a trouble because I can’t update a field based on the value of another one. -

Am I following the wrong way?

Thank you

Hi @thron,

Well, that’s a bit surprising and slightly odd. :thinking: If you choose the Deal equivalent of that action, it allows you copy data from a field across, which the “Update a contact” action does not. I might have to put a feature request in for that, if there isn’t one already.

In that case, I think you might have to resort to using Tags, unfortunately.
That would mean creating a Tag for each touchpoint you have and building your automation with lots of If statements where it checks which Channel was selected and then assigns that Tag to the contact.

I would suggest triggering it differently though. Rather than whenever someone submits a form, use the “Field Changes” trigger and when your Channel field changes for the first time, that’s when it assigns the Tag.

Make sure it only runs the first time a contact is added or updated and add the segmentation that the field cannot be blank (I named it Touchpoint-Temp in my example).

Then, this field could be changed through a form submission or an internal selection and the automation would still trigger.
I hope that makes sense and is useful.

If you want more concrete examples, do feel free to reach out to me by email on We can try and help you get something put in place.


Hello there! Our attribution feature may help you record the contact’s touchpoints and it works as the history of a contact journey: An overview of Attribution

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