Look up field names and tag IDs

Hi everyone—I’m new to using APIs in general so forgive me if I ask something dumb. I can’t seem to find a place to look up the field names or the tag ids that I need to use in my API requests. When I look up the fields in the Activecampaign web app, all I get are the “human readable” names e.g. “First Name” instead of first_name. Is there a standard convention for these? Also, where do I find the ids for tags? Do I need to just pull contacts via the API and look at the data I get back?


Hi synthase,

I am not sure I understand the first part of your question.

However, in answer to the second part of your question there are two ways of doing this:

  1. If you want to know the ID of a tag, you will find it at the end of the URL if you click on the tag in the app itself. E.g. https://stratnavapp.activehosted.com/app/contacts/?tagid=172 - the tag is at the end.
  2. That doesn’t work for everything, so I often run API queries using a tool like PostMan (https://www.postman.com/) to look up the data I get back - that way know what what the actual JSON structure is, and what values there are - and its easy to try things out before you start building.

Thanks so much—that’s super helpful. You can ignore the question about the standard convention—I was just wondering if there was a shortcut to get to the JSON-formatted field names from the names that show up in the web app (e.g. all lowercase; spaces are always replaced by underscores). It sounds like just pulling data and looking at it will be the most robust way of doing things, and Postman will save a lot of time compared to the way I was doing it.