Link tracking - malicious / marked unsafe

Hi there, I have been using AC for many years now. Yesterday for the first time I have received complaints. Clicking links in my campaign was marked as unsafe.

I have been reading through the community here and I found a July 2020 answer that it is a Microsoft issue with link tracking. But, I work on an iMac and it happens to me too.

Does anyone know if meanwhile there is a solution for this problem? I read that turning off link tracking helps, but that lowers the value of AC campaigns, so I would rather not. Why are the AC links on blacklists with providers? (My provider uses the software F-Secure SAFE )

Many thanks,
Kim (NL)

Hallo Kim,
Welcome to ActiveCampaign Forum! Thanks for posting here.
It is possible that certain browsers or email servers are the ones marking the links as unsafe. But we would need to test this and for that reason we are not able to provide you with the correct response. We’d advise you to open a ticket request with your account URL and some screenshot examples of the error message or unsafe messages that you are receiving. You can do this by going to this form.
The Support team should be able to check this further.
Hope this helps! Thanks.