So we’re trying to accomplish setting up an effective automation to email customers after they visit a category or product page on our site, and then leave our site. So they are “Browser Abandonment” emails.
So of course Site Tracking tells us all the urls a customer visited, but we need to be able to tell our email template “if customer’s last viewed url contained word XXXX include this block in the email template”.
Obviously we can easily do a conditional statement about “if customer viewed a url that contains XXX”, the part we are having trouble with is how to get the system to recognize what “last viewed url” was.
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I may have just thought of the solution, if anyone sees this and agrees let me know.
So I set up a custom field for contacts called “last url visited - brand”.
Then I set up an automation that will check if a contact visited a url that contains a certain brand name, and if so, the automation updates the “last url visited - brand” field. I would have to set up many conditionals to cover all the brands we sell on our site (ie. if the customer visited url with word NIKE update custom field with NIKE, if customer visited url with word ADIDAS update custom field with ADIDAS, etc etc).
So then what I have accomplished is, at all times I should have in that custom field called “last url visited - brand”, the brand associated with the last url any customer ever visited. It’s not as good as having the actual url that they last visited, but at least I know what brand they were looking at.
And so I can then create an automation that says “if customer visited website and did not order (browser abandonment) send this email”, and in the email template for that automation I will have a conditional block that checks the custom field value for “last url visited - brand” and based upon that value, a specific brand logo or brand product is displayed in that email.
Does anyone see anything I am missing, or something more efficient or effective I could do here ?
The goal is to display to customers the most relevant / personalized data in a Browser Abandonment email.
This looks really good… I have just been faced with this challenge… my thinking aligns exactly with yours… it looks like it’s been a year since you posted this… how has it gone? has it worked out well? is there any information you can share about the entire process… have you had to make additional fields/tags/conditions to manage it?