Support is available on the weekend. I’d suggest opening up a ticket so they can investigate. There is definitely an issue, but it’s hard to say what it could be without looking at your account and settings.
Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.
If there are any campaigns or test campaigns that are being sent out that are not delivering, there are a couple of things you can check prior to contacting our Customer Experience Specialists:
Check if the campaign was delivered to other folders (spam, promotions etc.)
Check that your sending domain is verified and authenticated (you can do this by either 1. Going to Settings > Advanced; Or 2. checking that you have DKIM and DMARC set up by visiting this link: Authenticate Email with SPF, DKIM, DMARC | ActiveCampaign > note you don’t have to set up SPF as ActiveCampaign manages this for you.) A domain is anything after the ‘@’ symbol in your email address. Example: > my domain is
Check if you are sending TO and FROM the same domain. Example: Sending TO FROM (emails are different, domains are the same). For context: if you are sending to and from the same domain, using ActiveCampaign, it can be expected that you have deliverability issues. This is because your company’s email server could be detecting this as spam/phishing attempts (as ActiveCampaign sends on your behalf). It would be best to whitelist our Mail server IP Ranges: (this can be set up through the help of your IT Team). This essentially tells your email server that any emails that ActiveCampaign is sending (from your domain) is friendly and should be received.
If all 3 do not apply to your situation (different domains, domain is verified, campaign not delivered at all), reach out to our team via email at with the following details:
Direct link to the sample contact that was sent the campaign (but did not receive it). The link will look something like Alternatively, you can attach the email address.