Is this simple automation ok? Suggestion, Help invited

I have a small list who was just sent a reminder campaign.
So it looks for a Tagx,
IF NO , branched off to add tagx, wait 180 days send email reminder, end automation
IF Yes, wait, 180 days send email reminder … no end set to run many time
Better ways? Does it do what I want?

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Hey @behealthybemore,

While there is nothing wrong with it, you could certainly simplify it a bit. Instead of using an if statement, you could just add the tag. If the tag already exists nothing will happen, if it doesn’t it will add it. Just make sure you have your tag names correct. Then you can just wait 180 days and send the reminder.

If you would still prefer to use the if statement you could, but I would still condense the “WaterFilter 180 Day Reminder” emails back into a single branch with an orange “Go To” action.

“If the tag already exists nothing will happen, if it doesn’t it will add it.” I did not even think of that. Thanks

Dance of joy time!

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Now we just need water filters with sensors in them to trigger the automations :slight_smile:

Like this then …

And thanks for the ‘right tag’ suggestion. I’m using Airtable to keep all the lists, tags, stages, etc in order - it gets over my head quickly.

The water filter which triggers a AC reminder … now that would be cool!

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Looks good to me!

I noticed before that you had an “End this automation” action on the “No” branch of the if statement before, but not on this latest revision or the “Yes” branch.

“End this automation” is more like a note to help you stay organized. If a contact reaches the end of the automation it will just end, whether that action is there or not. If you want to keep them in the automation you should add some kind of “Wait” action.

It took me a while to realize that when I first started, so just thought you should be aware. :thumbsup:

Ok new Question … adding Tags and Scoring
Have read: Lead Score: Planning, 101 and 102

Image enclosed is the process I came up with to add to scoring and add a tag since both are involved in conditions to promote to next step:

Ways to make better?

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One thing I am noticing is the heavy reliance on tags. Again, nothing wrong with this and it is a matter of personal preference, but you don’t necessarily need to duplicate all of the contact’s actions with those tags.

You will always be able to use the segment builder (contacts tab, inside automations, etc…) to select based on whether or not the contact has ever performed the actions in the IF statement.

There is nothing at all wrong with what you are doing and is a matter of personal preference.

Regarding the lead scoring, I would have to look deeper, but you might want to move those scores inside the IF statements, for example you have an “LM Water Open 2”, I am not sure what that score means, but right now you are giving them points whether they open the email or not.

Lastly, you could quickly manage these lead scores from the lead scoring interface in the app (Contacts Tab --> Manage Scoring in the top left). From there you could set a rule “add 10 points when has opened any email from LM Water Email.”

It is just an alternative way to manage the lead scores. Sometimes it is better to nudge the points from an automation, other times it is more convenient to keep the rules set from that interface.

In general it looks like you are picking everything up quickly!

Wow … good info

  1. A rule i made to either demote to unengaged or promote to engaged-for-topic email list to start a sales process was … a score of X plus tags of OPEN and CLICK

I would “very very bigly” and gladly take in all or some best practice on this [and ALL things]

  1. “You will always be able to use the segment builder (contacts tab, inside automations, etc…) to select based on whether or not the contact has ever performed the actions in the IF statement.”

That statement is confusing me. Under Contacts in the automation window I see: Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Update, Add Tag, Remove tag, add Note and Adjust Score.

A segment builder?
I see nothing about Segment. My perspective is a segment is a sub section new list of a list = “Segmentation” while a tag is a label on an account which can be added permanently or for a period of time and then be dropped.

Please bring me out of the dark, or I need to drink more green tea… :joy:

3."…but you might want to move those scores inside the IF statements…"
Ok, just opened one and I do see ADD NEW SEGMENT GROUP. Is that a Tag or a list?
I would think it easier to manage tag than lists. Wrong?

“but right now you are giving them points whether they open the email or not”
Yes… I see that. Thanks

4.“Lastly, you could quickly manage these lead scores from the lead scoring interface in the app (Contacts Tab --> Manage Scoring in the top left).”

This could be exciting news… Does that mean those set of rules will automatically affect the list and I do not have to put those actions in the flow? If true, that would solve a lot of headaches.

Again, thanks for your time and answers … I am finding them of great value.