Is possible to add a link to a contact?

Anybody knows if it is possible to add a link with extra info to a contact?
For example a link to an external PDF with the curriculum…
There are no custom HTML fields…


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I didn’t try it, but maybe this helps:

Ummm thanks a lot, but it seems that custom fields referes only to the 6 field types:

  • textarea
  • text
  • date
  • dropdown
  • multiselect
  • radio
  • checkbox
  • hidden
  • datetime

It not refers to creating new field types… :frowning:

I’m adding the link by API to a text custom field…i don´t find documentation if there is a way to insert HTML or BB Code…


I think i get a solution
Using notes you can instert links and in the right detail section you can click on the link.


This depends on what you’re hoping to accomplish. If a contact has one-and-only-one of a certain thing at a time (for example, profile picture) then a custom field will work great. If you need to track multiple things (for example, a PDF copy of the receipt for multiple different purchases) you should use custom objects. (not to be confused with custom fields In a custom object, if you populate a text field with a valid link, it will be a clickable link in the Ui. Here’s a tutorial on how to pretty much do exactly what you’re hoping to accomplish, using custom objects: Custom Objects API Guide