Is it possible to use multiple AC tracking codes on one website?

One of our clients has a video content portal (website) that a number of different customers access. These customers, in turn, distribute this content to their respective “contacts.” I am hoping to setup each customer with a their own instance of AC to manage their contacts. This could lead to 50-100 AC accounts pointing to a single website (the portal).

Would there be any issues with this?

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Hi Dustin —

That should work fine. There isn’t any reason this won’t work on our end.

You may want to get set up as a reseller:

As a reseller, you’d need to handle billing and support for these accounts. If you don’t want to handle that, you could just refer them through your affiliate link.

One issue to be aware of is that the website’s domain reputation will affect the deliverability of all those accounts. For instance, if the domain shows up on a black list, that can affect deliverability for all your accounts. So, just be sure that each person is educated on good sending practices and try to keep the domain off blacklists.

Let me know if you have any other questions about this.