Is it possible to integrate Neto eCommerce platform data in Active Campaign?

I have a query for my client that is it possible to get the data like Purchase Price, Product, login email from online shopping store based on Neto eCommerce platform to trigger the email marketing based on that data?

Are external developers allowed to build the integration plugin like the one we see woocommerce in active campaign integration page?

Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hey @engagingcomms,

Yes! You are more than welcome to develop an integration like the WooCommerce deep data integration. Here are the docs for the Ecommerce Deep Data API endpoints -

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@engagingcomms how did this work out for you? Did you get an integration working? Is it a 2 way conversation so that Neto Analytics draws in email marketing data too? We’re just starting to look at our options for Neto and Active Campaign, so keen to see how others are doing it.

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Hi all,

Biannca here from our CX team. I just wanted to update this post for anyone that comes across this, if you’re interested in integrating Neto eCommerce and ActiveCampaign there’s a middleware integration called “Blackball Software” that connects both apps together.

You can have a look at the integration here If you want to learn more about the capabilities, please contact BlackBall for more information as they are the ones that manage this integration.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.