Irrelevant custom fields included in email results of form submissions

We have some very technical contact forms and consequently use a lot of custom fields.
We also use some very simple contact forms with only 4 fields, but the “Email Results” action sends us all of the custom fields (blank or default values) in addition to the ones appearing on the form.
This doesn’t make any sense. Is there a way to prevent this?
Can we not have only the fields on the actual form emailed by default?

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Hi @cfwfans,

Unfortunately there is no way to prevent this. It’s either all contact information or none. Sorry I don’t have a better answer.

I would recommend submitting your feedback to our product team so that they can take it into consideration when updating the platform, if you would like to see this change.


Thanks Perry,

I have submitted the feedback to the product team. This is a high priority requirement for us, otherwise, we will have to move to another web forms solution.


Hi Darian (@cfwfans),

Thanks for submitting your feedback. I was talking to my colleague, @jskole, and I think he may have found a work around. He first suggested that you don’t use form actions to send form submission email results. But rather, try using an automation with the start trigger being “Submits a form” followed by a “Notify someone” step.

You will then want to uncheck the “Include a summary…” box and create a custom message with the fields you want; see image below.

By creating that custom message your emails will be formatted similar to the below:

If we misunderstood your objective please clarify so we can work with you on finding a workaround to best suit you.


Thanks Perry. This works!

Is there any way to include their GEO data in these notifications?


Great, glad to hear it Darian!

As long as ActiveCampaign has been exposed to the contacts IP the GEO data will be added to their contact. Then you would be able to pull it into the form. See images below to see what options you have for the GEO data when building the personalized message and what the message would look like following our previous example.

Hope that helps,


Hi Perry!

I know this is an old post, but I found this when working through an issue we are having with our forms. Like the OP, we have a lot of custom fields spread across numerous forms. Our intent would be the fields that are completed by the end-user on a specific form would be the content that is emailed to our team. We utilize the forms as pre-work for events (and some text can get lengthy). Since we have multiple different events (and some events have multiple forms depending on the position of the individual), receiving an email with results for all of the custom fields (most of which are blank results because they don’t exist on the form) seems counter-intuitive. Utilizing the workaround above didn’t seem to help because it only notified us when a form was completed and only the fields we wanted to show, but we couldn’t customize this per form, so we still had to go to ActiveCampaign and scroll through the custom fields to find the results we were looking for. Is there any way to get the results (and only those fields) sent via email for each form individually? Thanks!

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Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

As of right now, we don’t have an option to send you those fields via email, other than the regular EMAIL RESULTS option. That said, considering your set-up, it would be a good idea to reach out to our support team so we can review your specific scenario together!