Invoice integration

Hello, if you could help me I will be very glad!

I need to send invoice to my contact when their informations are updated on active campaign. I looked at the zappier integration but couldn’t nor really find a solution. Any idea how to do this?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @antoinemorales140,

Great question! I took the liberty to build out a mock automation and Zap to help you with this.

First create the below automation using the following steps:

  1. Start trigger is “Field changes”
  2. Add the action “Webhook” under “Conditions and Workflow”
    1. Paste a dummy URL as a placeholder like (
  3. Go to ( and create a “Zap”
    1. Select “Webhooks”
    2. Zap trigger should be a “Catch Hook”
    3. Hit “continue” until Zapier provides the Webhook URL, that you will copy & paste where you put placeholder: (

Once you complete step 3.c. complete the “Zap” action in Zapier (image and steps below):

  1. Action should be send/create an invoice using, as an example, freshbooks

That should do the trick, Antoine, but if not reach back out and I would be happy to keep troubleshooting with you, or answer anymore questions you might have.


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Thanks a lot! The webhook automation was the thing I was missing! Now it will work perfectly! I’m using quickbooks with it.


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Awesome, happy to hear that Antoine!