Integrating AC with E-junkie to track buyers

Hi, what is the best way to track whenever somebody buys a product to then give them a tag and start an automation? As I am working with e-junkie, people click on my cart button and then get directed to e-junkie/paypal for payment processing +download of digital product.
Thanks a lot for any help!

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My pleasure!

I went to our resident wizard with your use case, and you can achieve this functionality if you set up a cookie holding your logged in user’s email address. Then change the var trackcmp_email = " to whatever you have parsing the cookie.

This is not the best solution, but it should achieve the same functionality as if you were to directly place our code snippet on your site.

To track purchases made through e-junkie and initiate automations in ActiveCampaign, you will need to utilise Zapier. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set up a connection between ActiveCampaign and E-Junkie: E-junkie Integrations | Connect Your Apps with Zapier
  2. Configure the set up to send data to ActiveCampaign
  3. Create a tag in ActiveCampaign: Set up a tag in ActiveCampaign that will be applied to customers when they make a purchase. This tag will be used to trigger automations.
  4. Set up automation in ActiveCampaign: Create an automation in ActiveCampaign that will be triggered when a customer is tagged with the purchase tag. This automation can include actions such as sending a thank-you email, providing access to additional resources, or any other follow-up actions you want to take after a purchase.
  5. Test the workflow: Once everything is set up, make a test purchase to ensure that the integration between e-junkie and ActiveCampaign is working correctly. Verify that the purchase tag is applied to the customer in ActiveCampaign and that the automation is triggered as expected.