Insurmountable issues with custom dashboards/looks

Finding some significant limitations in custom reporting, dashboards, and looks.

I’m not able to figure out how to share custom dashboards or looks, and as far as I can see they aren’t able to be added into the standard dashboards in ActiveCampaign.

I’ve been tasked with a very simple job:

  • Create a custom report with all deals created yesterday
  • Have that report sent out automatically every morning to management

I haven’t been able to get a lot of assistance with anything related to custom reporting in Active Campaign. Support kicks the ticket back and says to contact our ActiveCampaign reseller, and then the reseller is probably just submitting a new ticket to ActiveCampaign for help.

Unfortunately it seems that the custom reporting feature is actually an embedded Google tool that nobody seems to be able to provide actual support for, the documentation in ActiveCampaign is out of date- where the UI in the examples no longer matches the current one, and there is a sandbox between custom reporting and the rest of ActiveCampaign because it appears to be an iframe of a Google Looker instance.

I created a custom report, converted it to both a Look and a Custom Dashboard and they cannot be shared. It’s not possible to save to the “Public” folder for within the Looker instance either, and there are no links that I can send to stakeholders who just want to know what Deal records were created the day before.

I could be completely wrong about all of this but just trying to get the most basic CRM reports out of this system and support for doing so has concluded with me having to explain the shortcomings of reporting to executives multiple times.

Does anyone have any information about this that I’m not seeing? Am I going to have to build an API connected app to pull this data and send it myself?


We are having similar issues. Let us know what you come up with. We are also looking to hire a CRM Lead. Please contact me if you are interested in learning about the position; Thanks!