💡 If I delete a list does that delete my contacts?

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When deleting a list, any contact that is associated with the list being deleted will also be deleted from the account. If the contact is associated with any other list, they will remain in those lists, and that contact will not be deleted. The list that was deleted will no longer appear on the contact record.

This being said, deleting lists will impact quite a bit of reporting - in addition to deleting any contacts who aren’t on other lists, it will also delete all campaign-related data and activity. This means that if you previously sent emails to that list, you would no longer be able to access the reporting or see who had engaged with the messages.

Best practice? I recommend using the bulk editor to quickly update the list instead - I like to tag my contacts so in the future I’ll know who had been subscribed if I ever need to reference it, and unsubscribe my active contacts from my list. When you’re done, you should have a list with 0 active contacts, which means nothing counts towards your contact limit. You can rename the list so you don’t accidentally use it in the future. This preserves all contact and campaign data, and ensures your old list is no longer taking up any space towards your account!

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