How would you track if someone clicked on a leadpage hosted, buy now button and trigger an e-mail based on that?

I know how to track if an e-mail or a link within an e-mail was opened but what about if a button was clicked on a remotely hosted page as in on instapage? Then use that to trigger an automation step as in an e-mail to be sent based on that action.


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You would need to setup Event Tracking in the Apps tab. You would create an Event and place the code on the appropriate page (Instapage). Then create an Automation that is triggered by Event Recorded.

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I know that but what would that event be called, how would I code it?
Anyone on here know of this?
I posted about event tracking a month ago and I just get answers that are a bit too “coder-ish” for me.
I do understand logic, but not code.


Would I set up an event that is related to the “button click” of the pay button.
and then have that relay back to AC from IP and trigger an automation?

If so, how would I code this?


I’m also interested to learn this. I have event tracking on my site working via the AC wordpress plugin.

I just need to figure out how to see what my contacts are doing, what pages they are visiting. I’m looking at the contact tab in AC but don’t see where I can view what pages the contacts are viewing - except to go into each contact one by one?


I want to know how to reference a specific button event, like an on click for a specific button.

Hey @michelini,

I think you are actually referring to Site Tracking (Event Tracking is something else). If everything is configured properly, you should be able to open a contact record by clicking on their name or email address and then view the web pages (URLs) that a contact has visited by clicking here:

Just be sure that you are looking at a contact that has definitely visited your website (as opposed to one who was imported). You may want to opt in via a form on your site in a different browser than you normally use to test this out.

If you run into any issues, our customer support team might give you the fastest resolution via live chat.

Got it - so I can use this event in an automation?

  1. contact visits product page

  2. contact does not go to another page?

  3. send email followup - any questions

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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

In this case, it would be best to use Site Tracking however, in order to actually ‘track’ a contact, the contact must first be identified. There are 3 ways a contact can be identified for site tracking:

1. When contacts click on a link in a campaign.

The link the contact clicks must go to a page on your website that is whitelisted and has site tracking code installed.

We add a parameter to each link in your email that directs contacts to a page on your site that has site tracking installed. This parameter appears as “vgo_ee=<garbled_text>” in the URL bar when a contact clicks that link in your email.

The garbled text is the encrypted email address of the contact. This lets us identify the contact who clicked your campaign link and visited your web page. This parameter disappears from the URL bar as soon as the page loads.

2. When they submit a form created in ActiveCampaign.

When a contact submits your ActiveCampaign form, they need to redirect to a page on your website that has site tracking code installed. The default “Thank you” page for ActiveCampaign forms will not generate a tracking cookie for your contacts.

Note that if the form has double opt-in enabled, page views will not be tracked for visitors until they complete the opt-in process.

We are not able to identify visitors who submit a third-party form.

3. By dynamically inserting the email address of known visitors into the tracking code.

If you’ve already identified a contact by their email address, you can insert their email address into the site tracking javascript code. See the section titled “How to pass a contact’s email address into javascript code” below for more information.

Only page view data collected after the identification of the contact will be shown on their contact profile page.

Once this is established, any time a contact visits your page(s)/URLS/sites, they will be tracked and you can then trigger automations and send specific content to them.

Read more here on Site tracking: