How would you tackle this

Hi guys,

I hope that there is an experienced user out there that could guide me in setting this up.

The use case is the following: suppose you have a list of your customers who are parents with kids. The kids are NOT in the list as an individual contact with their own e-mail address. Only the parents’ email address is known. You do have the kids first names and birthdates of all parents. Suppose you want to send a ‘happy birthday’ e-mail with a personalised coupon (Child’s first name) to the parent everytime one of the kids has its birthday.

I can only see one way: create a date and firstname field for each kid (date1, child1, date2, child2, etc) and trigger an automation each time one of the dates meets the requirements set in the trigger. It would probably require help-automations and -tags to make sure the right firstname is used in the mail.

Has anyone had the same type of challenge and if yes, did you find a more elegant way to approach this?

Thank you for any ideas!


Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

You very much could create a custom contact field for each child’s name and equivalent birthday fields however, we now have Custom Objects which you can use in addition to tags and fields to capture additional information about your Contacts.

A custom object is a template, or schema, that defines a set of related fields. You can think of it as a category bucket that uses fields to store data. This means that you could use a custom object per child that includes the name, birthday and any other details like favourite colour etc.

You may be wondering how custom objects are created and I’m so glad you asked!

Custom objects can be imported through a supported third-party application or integration, created using our API, or created from the “Manage Data” page in your ActiveCampaign account. *Note the ability to create custom objects with the API or from the “Manage Data” page is available for Marketing Enterprise and Sales Enterprise plans only.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!