How to view clicks/opens/goals over time?

I want to see our Key Performance Metrics (KPMs) over time to see if we are improving.

KPI’s I want to see:

  1. Clicked at least one link.
  2. Opened first email
  3. Filled out a certain Form (listing what they want to improve in this course)

I can see how to do that with a Filter which includes the Date they started the email automation. But it requires several filters ( how many Users Total in this Automation in this time period? How many of THOSE clicked a link).

But I’d love to be able to see it over time and as a percentage.

Looks like best way to do that is with Goals. Goals show % rate overall, and in the last 30 days. The trick is that you want to have only one goal per Automation.

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These KPI’s can be tracked with lead scoring and goals. It depends on whether or not you’d like to see these metrics based on the contact in general (lead scoring would be the best bet), or specifically in each automation (goals).

One option that may give you the flexibility you’ll need to manipulate this data is to send this information to Google Sheets using a webhook. You can either trigger the webhook within the automation itself, or have the webhook trigger based on actions. Here’s a bit more information on how to get the data into Google Sheets:

We are also starting to roll out more advanced automations and campaigns reporting, which should give you a bit more of the data you’d like. Just in case you haven’t seen the blog post about it, here’s the link:

Thanks, and let us know if you have any questions! We’d love to get an update on the solution that you went with as well!
