How to Verify Site Tracking Installed Correctly?

Is there a way to verify that site tracking is installed correctly and is working? Here’s what our developer wrote:

our site is a single page application and I installed so that this code runs on each page load. Is there a resource I can go to that helps verify the install is working correctly? Or is that something you can verify easily?

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Hi @greenstreammarketing,

Sounds like they did the right thing.

If they identify themselves (by logging into the app, or can also use the js console too) and have themselves as a contact in AC, then they should be able to see the site tracking history in the right side of the contact view screen.

I just did a test with a single page app and I can tell you that site tracking is not working.

I mean it track only the page loading URL, but then when user navigate in the website, no tracking is triggered.

@jskole Do you plan to support site tracking for single page app?



Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

ActiveCampaign offers site tracking capabilities, but whether it fully supports tracking on single-page applications (SPAs) depends on the specific implementation and how the SPA is structured.

SPAs often dynamically load content without full page reloads, which can pose challenges for traditional tracking methods that rely on page reloads. However, ActiveCampaign provides JavaScript tracking code that can be manually integrated into your SPA to track events, page views, and other interactions.

To effectively track user behavior on an SPA with ActiveCampaign, you may need to use JavaScript event listeners to trigger tracking events when users interact with elements on your page. This includes tracking events such as form submissions, button clicks, and other user actions.

Please read more here.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!