💡 How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences

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:star2: Maximizing Engagement with Facebook Custom Audiences via ActiveCampaign :star2:

Are you ready to harness the power of Facebook Custom Audiences to enhance your marketing strategy? Here’s a quick guide on how to integrate and utilize this powerful feature to target contacts precisely at every stage of their customer journey:

  1. Set Up Facebook Integration: Start by navigating to the settings in your ActiveCampaign account and access the integrations section. Connect your Facebook account by following the on-screen instructions to manage your ad accounts.
  2. Create Custom Audiences: Once integrated, you can create and manage Custom Audiences directly from Facebook based on specific criteria such as actions taken on your website, subscription to lists, or lead scores.
  3. Build Targeted Automations: Go to the automations section in ActiveCampaign and create a new automation. Set triggers such as ‘web page visited’ to determine when a contact should be added to or removed from a Custom Audience.
  4. Refine Your Targeting: Use wildcard entries to ensure your triggers cover broad interactions without being unnecessarily repetitive. This helps in maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of your ads.
  5. Sync and Optimize: Continuously sync and update your Custom Audiences based on new data and interactions captured in ActiveCampaign. This keeps your audience segments fresh and dynamically aligned with your marketing goals.

Leveraging Facebook Custom Audiences through ActiveCampaign automations allows you to deliver highly targeted and personalized ad content to your customers, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. For more detailed instructions and best practices, check out the video below. Get ready to transform how you interact with your audience on Facebook! :rocket::blue_book: