How to Trigger Modal Form Popup from Wordpress Button

I’m trying to trigger a modal form (popup) to show once someone presses a button on my Wordpress page. For some reason, I’m not given the “usual four” ways to integrate the form into my site. Instead, I’m only given the “Embed Code” from the ActiveCampaign end (as well as a suggestion to add the AC Plugin).

The problem is that I have no place to enter in an Embed Code on the button from the Wordpress side.

I installed the AC Plugin and I can see the form and it’s shortcode through the AC Plugin Settings, but still, on a Wordpress button, there’s no place to enter in a shortcode.

I don’t understand how to trigger this Modal Popup Form from a button on Wordpress. Can someone please help me understand how to trigger this form from a button?

Thanks in advance.

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Long story short you can’t. Not natively. At first glance it would appear that this is possible; however, if you look closer you’ll see that there is no way to trigger a popup (lightbox, modal, whatever) via click.

The way around this is to use a 3rd party plugin. I do NOT have active campaign plugin installed (I use Google Tag Manager for AC tracking).

The 3rd party plugin I personally use is Popup Maker. It works really well. You have to tweak one of the themes to get that translucent background feel. And there are quite a few things to learn when using it. But once it “clicks” you’ll be able to do a lot with it. You can basically add the code to any element on your site (text, button, whatever) and it will do a popup that contains whatever you put inside. In our case it would be the embed code from AC.

P.S. The four options you speak of are selected from in the creation of the form. They are not four options you can choose from after the form is created. This also confused me when I first started.

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