I would like to tag a subscriber based on a button they click in a popup, but without redirecting them to a new page. Instead, the popup will close when they click the button. Site Tracking won’t work because the subscriber is not being redirected to a page.
For example:
An AC subscriber visits the page and sees a popup with a question “Are you male or female?” Beneath the question are two buttons labeled male and female. When they click the male button, they are tagged male in AC and the popup closes. Same deal for female subscribers.
How do I accomplish this using Javascript? I’ve searched the help site and the documentation is too advanced for me. I’m no noob, but I’m not a programmer.
I had already read both of those articles before posting, but they were a little too advanced for my level of understanding code. I was hoping for some example code that I could adapt to use on my website.
So, are you saying that I need some sort of proxy server if I don’t want to use a 3rd party service? Is it not possible just to use JavaScript code on my webpage?
I would recommend BigPicture.io for setting this up without code.
If you want to code it up, it is going to be a bit more challenging if you are unfamiliar. You will want to follow examples from the second article “How to Setup ActiveCampaign Event Tracking” under the section “Sending oOn-Site Activity to ActiveCampaign - Using JavaScript”
If you need actual code for your website, I would recommend looking in our certified consultant directory for consultants that are skilled in “Coding”
Based on your stated need and level of expertise I would recommend going with Convertflow.com. You can do multi-part forms, it integrates seamlessly with AC and tracks lists and tags. If you want us to set you up with the program let me know. We are an affiliate of theirs.