How to set dashboard to active subscribers only view

Hi there,

I noticed there was some weirdness going on with the dashboard lately, AC testing new features?

But it used to show ALL subs and you had to manually use the drop down to select ACTIVE subs.

Then it switched to showing ONLY ACTIVE subs.

And now it seems to have reverted back again.

How do i get the default view to show me ACTIVE subs only? All subs is a pretty unhelpful number seeing as it includes all unsubbed contacts, and doesn’t count towards billing.

Hi @millennialmoneyman1 ,

Yes, I believe ActiveCampaign has made a change to the dashboard, and then rolled it back as people were experiencing issues with it.
I suspect it will be rolled out again once they have resolved the bugs.
Until then, there is unfortunately no way that I know of to change the default view to only show your total Active contacts on the dashboard.

With kind regards,

Zephi Limited

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Yeah i figured it was rolled back because it wasn’t displaying properly. (looked fuzzy/out of focus for me).
