How to send a custom email using API v3

I am trying to use the endpoint “messages” to send an email for a list of contacts
However looking at the documentation I didn’t get how to do.
I am using python and I’ve tried the following:

headers = {'Api-Token': ac_key,
"accept": "application/json",
"content-type": "application/json"}

url = f'{ac_url}/api/3/messages'

payload = {
"message": {
"fromname": "Clube da Aposta",
"fromemail": "[](",
"reply2": "[](",
"subject": "You are subscribing to %LISTNAME%",
"preheader_text": "Pre-header Text",
"text": "hello",
"html": "<div>hello</div>"

response =, headers=headers, json=payload)

As response I got this:

{‘message’: {‘fromname’: ‘Clube da Aposta’, ‘fromemail’: ‘relacionamento@clubedaposta.commailto:[](’, ‘reply2’: ‘relacionamento@clubedaposta.commailto:[](’, ‘subject’: ‘You are subscribing to %LISTNAME%’, ‘preheader_text’: ‘Pre-header Text’, ‘text’: ‘hello’, ‘html’: ‘

’, ‘links’: {‘user’: ‘’, ‘hyperlinks’: ‘’}, ‘id’: ‘4901’}}

However looks like that no email was sent.
Do I have to set a parameter to indicate the users ids or lists to send the email?
I didn’t get how to do this. Can anyone help me?

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Hello there! Please check if the following call would be useful Send a campaign via API V1

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