How to see automation-created unsubscribes

Hey! I’ve got an unsubscribe automation that was unsubbing anyone who didn’t open or click within 3 months. I want to be able to see the list of anyone who didn’t actively unsubscribe, but who was unsubscribed by the automation ‘unsubscribe from all lists’ action. Is there a way? Thank you!


You can:
Automation >> View Contacts (button at top)
Contacts >> Advanced Search >> Has achieved goal
Contacts >> Advanced Search >> Has entered automation
Via Tags if you assign a specific tag when Contact complete action in automation


Raul Abad

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Agree with @raulabad , although note that using the advanced search this way technically won’t exclude someone who actively unsubscribed.

Yes @jacobmonash , in this case using the advanced search, I also would add condition in filter to exclude if is already subscribed to list = X