How to score links clicked within an email that is within an automation!

I have an automation that goes out to a relatively small group of people that we hope will become prospects and then customers. Once signed up from our website they go into an automation and are sent an email every 7 days.

If the contact clicks on a link in one of these emails, I would like to allocate a score to that contact.

It seems that I can only score emails opened or links clicked when they are sent out as a Campaign but not as an Automation.

Am I missing something glaringly obvious?

So, it sounds like you might have named the campaigns the same thing (in the automation and stand alone). The conditions only look for the one you set, so you just need to add a condition that also looks for the automation campaign as well. This gets tricky if you named them the same thing because it’s hard to determine which is which, but you can go off the create date.



Hey excediagroup,

Biannca here from our CX team, I wanted to add on top of Perry’s message for anyone that comes across this post.

It’s best practice to have unique email names so you can differentiate between which email you want to track - see this blog post for more information.

After you have created unique names, you can create rules in the Scoring feature to track and give points to those who clicked on X link in Automation Email A. For more information scoring, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.