How to plan out and build you Custom Fields and Tags

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:star2: Optimizing Tags and Custom Fields in ActiveCampaign :star2:

Hello ActiveCampaign enthusiasts! Here’s some advice on effectively planning your tags and custom fields:

  1. Have a Clear Plan: Avoid the common mistake of creating tags and fields haphazardly. Start with a clear strategy to avoid duplication and the need for future cleanups.
  2. Build Sustainably: When adding new tags or fields, consider their long-term utility. Quick fixes might seem helpful initially but can create more work down the line.
  3. Embrace Learning: Marketing automation is constantly evolving. Don’t be intimidated by others’ successes; focus on continuous learning and adapting to new features that can enhance your strategy.
  4. Leverage New Features: Stay updated with new functionalities. For example, using features like integrating with Facebook custom audiences can significantly boost your engagement and conversions.

For more tips and a deeper dive into using tags and custom fields effectively, check out our full video on the YouTube channel. Let’s keep refining our approach to get the most out of our campaigns! :bulb:

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For more details, watch the full video below: