How to make the automation not run if another one is already running

I have a problem that I can’t solve. We have several lead magnets on our site. As soon as a customer fills out a form (which is done via Active Campaign), the automation is triggered and they start receiving a pre-made email chain (with a lead magnet, welcome message, etc). The problem is that some clients fill out several forms and receive several leadmagnets at once, but the automation is triggered several times. Thus, the person starts to receive several chains of emails at once.
Here’s the question: How can I set it up so that the automated chain of messages goes only to the first lead magnet, the form for which the person has filled out?

You might want to use an If/Else condition in your automation.

If they have entered another automation, you can prevent them from going through it, as seen below:

If it’s just about them triggering the same automation multiple times, you can also filter them out by using the If/Else condition for that particular automation, as seen below:

Let me know if you have more questions!

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Hi @sunrisecapital. The way I do these is to have one Welcome sequence. No matter what lead magnet they get, once they access the lead magnet a tag is added. That tag triggers the welcome sequence. The trigger also has Run set to once. Wait 5 mins then remove the tag. Does that make sense? Shane

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hi @sunrisecapital , adding onto what @Shane mentioned, here’s how I structured it for one of my clients:
When someone fills out a lead magnet form, they trigger a lead magnet automation, which sends them an email specific to the lead magnet. At the end of this automation, they get subscribed to a “Welcome Series” list.
When someone subscribes to the “Welcome Series” list, it triggers the main Welcome sequence. Since a contact can only trigger a list subscribe once, they will only be added once to the Welcome sequence.
Thus, you can have all sorts of individual lead magnet automations that are triggered by form fills, but a contact will only receive the Welcome sequence once.

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Hey @jacobmonash Thanks for your help! Could you please send me a screenshot of the automation so I can see what it looks like? Thanks!

@sunrisecapital sure - this forum isn’t letting me upload the images so I’ve linked them below:
Lead magnet automation: lead magnet automation
Welcome series automation: welcome series automation
Hope those work for you!

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Thank you!

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