How to limit score to maximum value?

AC recommends a balanced lead scoring system (see here:

This makes sense to me. But what is the best way to limit the score value to a specific value?
An example would be so usefull!

Thanks, Christian


There are two ways to distribute points to a score:

  • Dynamic scoring - The score changes each time a behavior occurs. These scoring rules are set up through automation workflows. EX: Each time an email is opened, add 10 points, each time a web page is visited, add 5 points, etc.

  • Fixed scoring - The score changes only the first time a behavior occurs. These scoring rules are set up through the “Manage Scoring” portion of the platform. EX: When this web page is visited, add 20 points, when this campaign is opened, add 5 points, etc.

It is possible to create a maximum value with fixed scoring, but not with dynamic scoring. With a fixed score, you could just carefully plan your score in such a way that the points add up to your maximum value so there’d be no way for anyone to exceed that score.

But, no, there isn’t a way to define a cap with a setting or anything like that. It’s an interesting idea though and I can see how it would be useful.

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