How To Let Form Styling Cascade Down From Website?

I’m trying to integrate some forms from AC to a WordPress site, but the styling is all off. Is there any way to let the WordPress theme styling take precedence instead of the Active Campaign form styling? Many form plugins and things like that have an option to choose between opinionated vs. unopinionated styling.

For instance I tried adding:

label {

but I see this coming from the form CSS:

 #_form_66C7565779045_._inline-form ._form-label, #_form_66C7565779045_._inline-form ._form-emailidentifier, #_form_66C7565779045_._inline-form ._form-checkbox-option-label {
    font-family: Montserrat;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: 700;
    line-height: 1.6em;
    color: black !important;

adding an !important on the styling of the text seems a little crazy to me and reverse engineering AC form styling for every form to try and get it to match the website’s theme is going to be a big project, I also don’t think it’s great from an agency standpoint for me to have to ask clients to style each of their own forms individually because they probably don’t know what they are doing in that regard.

Hoping there is a way to set unopinionated styles for AC forms. Thoughts?

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Hi @tortoiseandharesoftw great question! There is a way to ensure a Wordpress site’s CSS is honored, but you must configure the Wordpress plug in to use that feature. You will then be able to integrate your ActiveCampaign form two ways - both will offer a new “ActiveCampaign CSS” option you can deselect to keep the existing CSS styling in place! You can view both ways to add your form with this option here. If I’ve misunderstood what you’re trying to accomplish, just reply to let me know. :slight_smile: