How to join / merge contacts

Hi folks,

accidentally i got the same person with three different mail adresses in a list ( this means having three contacts ).
How can i join / merge these three contacts without loosing information ?

Thanx a lot

You just do it manually. That’s what we do.

Hi motivationanalytics,

Biannca here from our CX team. In the spirit of providing insight on this question, we have a merge feature that we introduced sometime after your question.

Just a note about merging contacts:

  • It is not possible to merge more than two contacts at the same time
  • Once a contact is merged, it cannot be undone

To merge contacts:

  1. Open the two contacts you want to merge in separate tabs.
  2. Open the contact record (ContactB) - this is the contact you will be merging the other contact (ContactA) with.
  3. On the top right, click the dropdown next to the “Send a Campaign” button.
  4. Click the “Merge” option that appears.
  5. Search ContactA’s email address into the modal popup and click click the “Merge” button.
  6. Follow the prompts (if any) and determine which information you want to keep.

For more information on merging contacts, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.