How to interpret results of email campaigns?

Hi there!

My very first post :slight_smile:

Im looking for some guidance on how to interpret my results. I have been trying different email layouts, content, and frequency, and I have compared different sort of campaigns with each other.

Now, where should my focus be and where should I begin?

Some email campaigns have a very low click (on any link) ratio, perhaps only about 0,3%, while others have 4-6%. I cant figure out why this is, but it cant be random.

I have tried very minimalistic sort of emails, to larger ones, more like newsletters and everything in between.

What would you do?


Hey Erik (2strongarms),

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, general email marketing benchmarks can be found here.

However, there many factors affecting open/click rates. For example, if you’re a new sender with ActiveCampaign your previous open rates would not be reflected as soon as you send emails with ActiveCampaign as there’s a recommended warm up period of 30 days.

If you have warmed up correctly and the metrics seem concerning to you, please reply back out or email us at with more information.