đź’ˇ How to import deals into your ActiveCampaign account?

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Here are the steps:

  1. Click Deals on the left menu.

  2. Click “Import deals.”

  3. An “Import Deals” modal will appear. Click the “Select File” button.

  4. Click the CSV file you wish to import. The file will upload to the importer.

  5. Next, you’ll need to map columns from your file to fields in ActiveCampaign.

  • We’ll attempt to automap fields based on the headers contained in your file
  • The “Field values” column on the right will show you a preview of the field values
  • To map fields, click each ActiveCampaign field name dropdown to map it to a column in your file. You can only map one column to one field
  • Note that if you do not map “Deal Value,” the deal will have a default value of $100 upon import
  1. Clicking the “Advanced Options” menu lets you:
  • Use default values for required fields left blank
    If you do not provide a value for required fields in your file, or if you do not apply the default value option, the record will be skipped by the importer
  • Allow blank fields to overwrite existing data
    By default this is turned Off. This means that existing data in your ActiveCampaign account will not be overwritten by blank values in your CSV file. If you wish to overwrite existing data with blank fields from your file, click the toggle to set it to the On position
  • Select a default pipeline
    All deals that do not have a pipeline listed in your CSV will be added to this default pipeline. To use this option, click the “Pipeline” dropdown and click the pipeline you wish to use as the default
  • Select a default stage for deals where a stage is not defined in your CSV file
    All deals that do not have a stage in your CSV will be added to this default stage. To use this option, click the “Stage” dropdown, then click the stage you wish to use as the default
  1. When finished, click the “Import” button.

The file will start to import into your ActiveCampaign account. You may close or navigate away from the page while the import runs.