Hi AC community. I have typeform connected to Active Campaign. And, I need to see which campaigns and automations are conversting from that typeform. How can I connect that to reports and see those conversions? Is there anyone out there that does AC consulting that I could pay to help me do this?
Hi @growingselfcounselin, there are a couple of ways to do this:
- make sure you have Google Analytics tracking enabled for your ActiveCampaign account and Typeform account. Then, in Google Analytics, you’ll be able to filter for traffic that filled out the form, and inspect what email name/subject line that traffic came from
- create a hidden field in your Typeform form called something like “AC Campaign”, and modify the links in your campaigns and automations so that they pre-fill the field with this information. Then you’ll be able to report results from ActiveCampaign
I’ve just been certified by ActiveCampaign - please feel free to check out my profile for my contact details. There’s also ActiveCampaign’s consultant directory