How to handle users who signup for Automation AGAIN

My users seem to regularly signup for my Course (which is just an automation) AGAIN.

What’s the Best Practice for handling this?

I’ve considered:

  1. Change how I add them to the automation. (Currently they fill out a Form and get added). Perhaps there is some way to check when they fill out that form and see that they are ALREADY getting it, inform them, and let them choose to get them again.

  2. Test at the START of the automation (are they already in this) and let them continue (or ideally, give them a choice)


Check out the goals action :wink:

@jskole Can I get a little bit more of a hint? (or should I Phone a Friend) :wink:

Haha, goals allow you to “Jump” to a specific section of an automation when criteria is met. It actually might not be the best fit, but I am hoping that if you check them out it will inspire you to use them and might help give you some fresh ideas how to tackle this automation in particular.

I found that there is a Run Once option for an automation and that solved it.

Now I just have to figure out how to handle the existing folks who have multi-subscribed.
I suspect the solution is to have a NODE in the automation that makes a note in their profile (VisitedNodeXYZonDate) and check versus that.

Node 1 - if VisitedNodeXYZOnDate is within the last week then END AUTOMATION
Node 2 Set VisitedNodeXYZOnDate

This is what I do; because run-once - I don’t trust it yet. I tag everyone who goes through the automation “Course Taken”. In the same automation, the first step is to check if this Tag exists.

If it does, end automation.
If it doesn’t, go on… add the tag and do whatever else you do.

Hope this helps @bungalowsoftware!

My way is to trigger automations ONLY with „tag is added“. Once it is added there is no adding again and therefore no second trigger for the same automation.
It is also great to see in what automations the user is / was.

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