How To Handle My SMS Subscribers?

I am a podcaster just building our email list and platform out. I am a marriage therapist with a geek streak and want to be able to sell online courses, ebooks and virtual counselling.

Things are growing nicely and I have an opt-in by SMS set up that’s working well. I now have over 100 SMS subscribers and…

I’m not sure what to do with them.

I told them I’d ping them once a week. I want to add value but not sure how to do that in 160 characters.

Just wondering what others are doing that has helped build their brand and grow their connection via SMS.

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In your position, I would send a weekly tip or quote. Maybe something like:

“Have you told your spouse ‘I love you’ today?”
“Do something unexpected for your spouse today that will put a smile on their face!”
“Roses are red. Violets are blue. Tell your spouse ‘I can’t stop thinking of you!’”

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Great ideas @accountabilitysensei! Wish I got those texts!

@diakonleadership - another idea would be to provide early access or discounts to your content available only to your SMS subscribers.


Both great suggestions, of course also through a link or similar, drive readership back to your site for a blog post, or some cool video content?