How to create a personalization strategy that works

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:star2: Crafting a Successful Personalization Strategy with ActiveCampaign :star2:

Hey ActiveCampaign community! Here’s a breakdown on creating an effective personalization strategy that really resonates with your audience, from AC expert Adam Tuttle:

  1. Beyond Basic Personalization: Don’t limit personalization to using a customer’s first name. Consider customizing send times, images, and content based on user data to make communications feel more individualized.
  2. Humanize Your Messaging: Aim to make your marketing feel human and personal. This approach helps your brand connect deeply with individuals, rather than sending generic messages to the masses.
  3. Start Small and Experiment: Identify three to five key personalization elements that can make your audience feel special. Experiment with these and learn from the feedback without becoming overwhelmed.
  4. Monitor and Adapt: Personalization is not just about being different; it’s about being relevant. Ensure your messages align with the interests and demographics of your audience. Adjust strategies when they no longer serve the intended purpose.
  5. Avoid Overdoing It: Beware of damaging your domain reputation by sending too many emails. It’s crucial to balance frequency and relevance to maintain healthy engagement levels.

For more insights on building a personalization strategy that works for your business, make sure to check out our full video below. Let’s elevate our marketing game by making each communication uniquely impactful! :boom:

Get more details on how to implement these tips in the full video: