💡 How to Add Link Actions to text, buttons, and images in email designer

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:star2: Enhancing Email Campaigns with Link Actions in ActiveCampaign :star2:

Hello, ActiveCampaign users! We’re excited to introduce a game-changing feature in our email designer—Link Actions! Here’s how you can use this feature to create more interactive and responsive email campaigns:

  1. What are Link Actions?: Link actions allow you to track how contacts interact with your emails and enable you to respond with actions based on their clicks. You can apply these to text, buttons, or images within your emails.
  2. Getting Started: Choose from over 200 design templates, such as a Thanksgiving theme for the upcoming holiday. Begin by adding a link action to elements like a ‘Learn More’ button.
  3. Setting Up Link Actions: Click on the element you want to add a link action to, and in the toolbar, enter your website or landing page link. Below this, you’ll find options to attach actions like adding or removing tags, subscribing or unsubscribing from lists, or starting or ending automations.
  4. Example Use Case: Add a ‘holiday’ tag when a contact clicks a button, indicating their interest in your holiday campaigns. This tag helps in segmenting your contacts for targeted follow-ups.
  5. Managing Actions: Easily manage your link actions from the right-hand sidebar where you can edit or delete tags and actions as needed.
  6. Confirm Link Tracking: Before sending out your campaign, make sure link tracking is enabled. This ensures that all interactions are recorded and corresponding actions are triggered.
  7. Launch Your Campaign: With everything set, your campaign is now ready to be sent out. Watch as your emails not only communicate but also actively engage and segment your audience based on their interactions.

For more insights and step-by-step guidance on setting up link actions, check out the full video below. Start making your emails work smarter, not harder! :rocket::e-mail: