How to Add a Tag Upon List Addition

Whenever a person subscribes to my list, my form passes a tag indicating the topic of interest based on the form. This works as when I check my list, they are present with the tag. Here’s where I need help. My list is a master list with tags for interest areas. The first time a person subscribes, I need an automation that adds the tag “general” to their name. I can’t get this to work.

I’ve tried a few varieties of automations. [Contact subscribes to list] or [Contact submits form] is the first step. And I do specify the list. The next step is "Does the contact match the following: is in list (listname given). " Finally, following the NO stream, I tell it to add the tag “general.” This doesn’t work. Any idea what I’m missing?

Thanks for the help.

I got this to work by checking if the general tag already exists. However, I would like to know how to use the if/then to check if someone is in the list. My solution got around that but I know I’ll still have that need.

Hi @tigergreenproduction,
Is everyone who is subscribing to a form and getting a tag being added to the master list? If so the if/then check would always go to yes and that is why you don’t get anyone going to the no stream.

You could use the if/then statement with a double check with [is in list (listname)] & check if contact has ‘general’ tag. That would cause anyone in that list who doesn’t have the general tag to go through the no stream?

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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

The reason why contacts may have been flowing down the ‘NO’ path may have been that your form had double opt-in enabled for your form. This would prohibit contacts from being subscribed to your list unless they confirm their opt-in via the email that is sent after the contact(s) submit the form.

Should you wish to add the tag, after they submit the form, and confirm opt in, you can add the tag and subscribe them to the list from the form action setup.

Alternatively, you can disable opt-in and when the contact submits the form, triggers the automation and gets to the if/else they will be in the list already (rather than having to wait for opt-in).
