What’s your plan of attack? Let’s talk strategy here!
For capture, I like to find ways to use lead magnets. Short and easy lead magnets like; cheat sheets, check lists, tools/resources list, mind maps.
An alternative can be a high quality, long-form blog post with a content upgrade.
My tool of choice for capturing leads is Thrive Leads ( http://bit.ly/GetThriveLeads ).
With a lead magnet, I like to put the contact through an automation that helps them consume the content found within. Also use Link Tracking to ensure they actually download the lead magnet first.
Then pass them to another automation with a series of emails that sells them on the product or service I sell, with calls-to-action in each.
For processing the sales, I’ve been working with two tools lately:
MemberMouse ( http://bit.ly/tryMemberMouse ) which is great for a membership site I’m working to launch, as well as a productized service with monthly recurring revenues.
The alternative would be SamCart ( http://bit.ly/trySamCart ) which I’m excited will be finally including affiliate management directly starting November 1st.
With both, there’s ways to get data into ActiveCampaign and appropriately Tag each Contact as a customer.
The one thing I would add to the Capture, Nurture and Convert formula would be: Onboarding. Create an Automation to properly onboard your customers. This will help the sale stick, and help when you have monthly recurring programs.
Hope this helps!
This is inbound 101, so…
Start with a goal and work backward.
Understand your buyer persona and the buying process. Also understand macro and environmental variables that could influence a purchase decision (time of year, regulatory issues, etc.) because it will help you adjust your approach accordingly.
Identify what types of messages and content will resonate with that buyer at that stage, and compel them to act (key phrase).
Develop said content and identify where its best distribution outposts lie. But before you publish…
Set up your landing page, multiple automation sequences (I’d suggest one for each stage of the buying process, with different messaging for each buyer persona, so you can drop them into that leg of the automation). Entry points would be dependent on tagging the person at the time of capture, based on the source they came from to the landing page. In other words, if you published an article on Medium, you did so knowing what type of reader was most likely to resonate with it on Medium, and so your landing page link on the Medium post would have campaign strings that populated buyer persona and buying stage tags in the lead gen form. Those tags would drop the person into the buying stage automation first, then send the sequence based off their persona tag.
Now, go publish, and be very careful about your links.
On second thought, most of that was inbound 201 or 301