How do I see a list of my emails that are attached to an automation?

Hello everyone,
My question is straight forward : How do I see a list of my emails that are attached to an automation ?

I know I can look at my automation and see the emails attached to it.

I would like to go about it the other way around : have all my emails in a list and see which automation they are attached to.

Thank you for your kind help, it is greatly appreciated.

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I learned about this today while auditing a client’s account.

If you…

  • Click on Automations
  • Expand the left side-bar
  • Click Automation Messages

It’ll show you each automation, with each email included.

Or you can edit and click on this link, https://{youraccount}

And the link for each email will take you to the editor for that email, and it’ll show you the last sent date.

Really useful!

What’s a bit of a pity is that it doesn’t allow you to filter for active automations, so I just had to do a cross-check between the automation list.

Hello there! Currently, you can view all email messages associated with an automation by clicking on the button ‘manage emails’ as shown here:

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