How do I re-subscribe people?

Hi - I have people in my list who have unsubscribed several years ago and then want to resubscribe - or unsubscribed from one list and resubscribe to another list. We are talking three or more years ago so totally normal for people to want to resubsribe.

AC won’t send these people who resubscribe - even to a different list - emails.

Is there a solution to this?

You can resubscribe someone, as long as they gave their consent.

Are you having problems manually resubscribing the contact? When you go to the customer’s Contact in ActiveCampaign, does it show them active in a list? Are there any tags that are blocking them from receiving emails? Just trying to figure out what’s happening.

If you’d like us to peek into your account specifically, send our support team a message at help@activecampaign with your activehosted url and the contact example so we can help further.